Pravidlá pre masters plávanie účinné od 1. decembra 2023
Organizácia World Aquatics schválila niekoľko zmien pravidiel pre súťaže Masters, ktoré navrhol Výbor World Aquatics Masters počas zasadnutia World Aquatics Bureau, ktoré sa konalo 17. októbra 2023.
3.2.2 THE START (RENUMBERING) When using the forward start, the referee’s whistle shall indicate that the swimmers may take their positions with at least one foot at the front of the starting platform or pool deck, or in the water with one hand having contact with the starting wall. NEW: When all swimmers are ready (instead of stationary) to start the starter shall give the starting signal. NEW: Any swimmer(s) starting before the starting signal has been given may be disqualified upon the completion of the race.
3.4.2 MIXED Relays consist of two (2) female and two (2) male each registered with the same club. No swimmer is allowed to represent more than one club.
8.3.3. Swimmers shall be seeded according to age groups from the youngest to the oldest. Swimmers may be selected irrespective of sex. The slowest entered swimmers of each age group may comprise and be seeded in special heat(s). By the recommendation of the World Aquatics Masters Committee and/or nominated Discipline Manager-Chief Referee or Safety Officer this order may be changed.
4.5 The water temperature shall be measured within 30 minutes before the start of the race and must be a minimum of 18° C and a maximum of 31° C. The water temperature shall be certified by the Safety Officer as measured in as near to the middle of the course as possible at a depth of 40 cm. If water temperature is below 18° C, the use of wetsuits is compulsory. Wetsuits must be on the approved World Aquatics Swimwear.
4.6 It shall be compulsory for all swimmers to wear highly visible coloured swim caps and approved World Aquatics Swimwear.
4.3 (NEW) Masters Open Water Swimming Relay
MIXED Relays consist of two (2) females and two (2) males each registered with the same club. No swimmer is allowed to represent more than one club. Each member will swim a distance of 1.25 km each.
4.4 (NEW) Relay Age Groups are calculated from the total age of team members (in whole years) 100-159 years, 160-219 years, 220-279 years, 280 plus.
8.3.1 A Masters Open Water Swimming event may be included in World Aquatics Masters Championships Individual Events up to 5km MIXED Relay Events (optional)
Addition of Rule on Masters Protest
2.5 Protests
2.5.1 Protests are possible
(a) if the rules and regulations for the conduct of the competition are not observed,
(b) if other conditions endanger the competitions and/or competitors, or
(c) against decisions of the referee; however, no protest shall be allowed against decisions of fact.
2.5.2 Protest must be submitted
(a) to the referee,
(b) in writing on World Aquatics Forms,
(c) by the participant,
(d) together with a deposit of 100 US Dollars or its equivalent, and
(e) within 30 minutes following the conclusion of the respective event or match.
If conditions causing a potential protest are noted prior to the event a protest must be lodged before the signal to start is given.
2.5.3 All protests shall be considered by the referee. If the referee rejects the protest, referee must state the reasons for her/his decision to the participant.
As a last recourse, at the World Aquatics Masters Championships, the participant can then submit his protest to the World Aquatics Masters Committee. The World Aquatics Masters Committee shall consider the protest and give the final decision.
2.5.4 If the protest is rejected, the deposit will be forfeited to the management body of the competition. If the protest is upheld, the deposit will be returned.
Zdroj: World Aquatics/news
Ďaľšie pravidlá masters plávania